It is our vision is to fill the Wagner House, after it has been renovated, with a new and contemporary content.

The equal combination of all arts was Wagner`s goal. He became familiar with the structural conditions for this during his time in Riga, so we can assume that Riga was the starting point for the holistic approach of his work.

Under the banner of “GesamtkunstWerk21”, the building will be used for a variety of purposes and in a wide range of combinations.

In addition to theatre performances, concerts, and the exhibits of the Wagner museum, the house will become an incubator for “GesamtkunstWerk21” – a total work of art of the 21st century. Classical artists together with creative people of all areas will work in this “Werk” (factory in German) and produce something completely new. In this way, every year a new Gesamtkunstwerk will be created, entirely in the spirit of Wagner.

Master classes in music will also be held. Accomplished international masters will teach students from all over Europe and the world. The participants will have the opportunity to live and work in the building, similar to a Villa Massimo in Milan.

The renaissance of the German Theatre in Riga will be a symbol for the cultural and political history of Europe, which connects and reconciles people and can be seen, heard and experienced like a lighthouse in Northeastern Europe.